
We are also excited you are interested in using the kit materials to increase and enhance STEM learning opportunities for library patrons in your community!

  • Kit reservations should be submitted 6-8 weeks in advance of your event. We will do our best to fulfill all reservation requests. However, reservations submitted less than 6 weeks in advance of the event may be declined.




​​​​Contact our reference department,, with any questions regarding the program materials. If you need to cancel or change a reservation, or if you are missing supplies, please contact or call 334-213-3987



Ship To Address. No shipping fees apply. (This address must be able to receive boxes)
Kit Usage Agreement - By borrowing this kit(s), My library agrees to: (all must be agreed to in order to receive a kit)
The NASA@ My Library program aims to engage diverse communities in STEM learning, including communities that are underrepresented in STEM fields, such as:  
  • Hispanics and Latinos    
  • African Americans    
  • American Indians    
  • Alaska Natives    
  • Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders    
  • People who are economically disadvantaged    
  • People with disabilities    
  • Women and girls     

Kits can be borrowed for up to 2 weeks. Please provide your 1st and 2nd choice of dates for the kit you want to borrow.  We will do our best to accommodate your first choice. * 

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